Source code for moclo.record

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
import functools
import typing

import six
from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation, CompoundLocation
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Dict, List, Text, Union  # noqa: F401
    from Bio.Seq import Seq  # noqa: F401

def _ambiguous(func):
    def newfunc(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise TypeError("ambiguous operation: '{}'".format(func.__name__))

    return newfunc

[docs]class CircularRecord(SeqRecord): """A derived ``SeqRecord`` that contains a circular DNA sequence. It handles the `in` operator as expected, and removes the implementation of the `+` operator since circular DNA sequence do not have an end to append more nucleotides to. In addition, it overloads the `>>` and `<<` operators to allow rotating the sequence and its annotations, effectively changing the *0* position. See Also: ``Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord`` documentation on the `Biopython wiki <>`_. """ # Patch constructor to allow constructing a CircularRecord from # a SeqRecord argument (other arguments are ignored).
[docs] def __init__( self, seq, # type: Union[Seq, SeqRecord] id="<unknown id>", # type: Text name="<unknown name>", # type: Text description="<unknown description>", # type: Text dbxrefs=None, # type: List[Text] features=None, # type: List[SeqFeature] annotations=None, # type: Dict[Text, Any] letter_annotations=None, ): # type: (...) -> None """Create a new `CircularRecord` instance. If given a `SeqRecord` as the first argument, it will simply copy all attributes of the record. This allows using `` to open records, then loading them into a `CircularRecord`. """ if isinstance(seq, SeqRecord): self.__init__( # noqa: T484 seq.seq,,, seq.description, copy.deepcopy(seq.dbxrefs), copy.deepcopy(seq.features), copy.deepcopy(seq.annotations), copy.deepcopy(seq.letter_annotations), ) else: if annotations is not None: topology = annotations.get("topology", "circular") if topology.lower() != "circular": raise ValueError("record does not describe a circular sequence") super(CircularRecord, self).__init__( seq, id, name, description, dbxrefs, features, annotations, letter_annotations, )
# Patch methods that are ambiguous with a non-linear sequence.
[docs] @_ambiguous def __add__(self, other): """Add another sequence or string to this sequence. Since adding an arbitrary sequence to a plasmid is ambiguous (there is no sequence end), trying to add a sequence to a ``CircularRecord`` will raise a `TypeError`. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] @_ambiguous def __radd__(self, other): # noqa: D105 """Add another sequence or string to this sequence (from the left). Since adding an arbitrary sequence to a plasmid is ambiguous (there is no sequence end), trying to add a sequence to a ``CircularRecord`` will raise a `TypeError`. """ return NotImplemented
# Patch other methods to work as intended
[docs] def __contains__(self, char): # noqa: D105 """Implement the `in` keyword, searches the sequence. """ return len(char) <= len(self) and char in str(self.seq) * 2
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): # noqa: D105 """Return a sub-sequence or an individual letter. The sub-sequence is always returned as a ``SeqRecord``, since it is probably not circular anymore. """ rec = super(CircularRecord, self).__getitem__(index) if isinstance(index, slice): annotations = copy.deepcopy(rec.annotations) if "topology" in annotations: annotations["topology"] = "linear" return SeqRecord( rec.seq,,, rec.description, copy.deepcopy(rec.dbxrefs), copy.deepcopy(rec.features), annotations, copy.deepcopy(rec.letter_annotations), ) else: return rec
[docs] def reverse_complement( self, id=False, name=False, description=False, features=True, annotations=False, letter_annotations=True, dbxrefs=False, ): """Return a new ``CircularRecord`` with reverse complement sequence. """ return type(self)( super(CircularRecord, self).reverse_complement( id=id, name=name, description=description, features=features, annotations=annotations, letter_annotations=letter_annotations, dbxrefs=dbxrefs, ) )
# Additional methods
[docs] def __lshift__(self, index): """Rotate the sequence counter-clockwise, preserving annotations. """ return self >> (-index % len(self.seq))
[docs] def __rshift__(self, index): """Rotate the sequence clockwise, preserving annotations. """ index %= len(self.seq) # avoid unnecessary cycles if index == 0: return self elif index < 0: return self << -index newseq = self.seq[-index:] + self.seq[:-index] newfeats = [] newletan = { k: v[index:] + v[:index] for k, v in six.iteritems(self.letter_annotations) } for feature in self.features: loc = feature.location if loc is None: newloc = None elif feature.type == "source" and loc.start == 0 and loc.end == len(self): newloc = loc else: _newloc = [] for part in (loc + index).parts: if part.end >= len(newseq) and part.start >= len(newseq): r = part.start // len(newseq) # remainder is used to _newloc.append( FeatureLocation( # make sure that part.end start=part.start - r * len(newseq), # is always after part.start end=part.end - r * len(newseq), # even on additional end strand=part.strand, # overlap ref=part.ref, ref_db=part.ref_db, ) ) else: _newloc.append(part) newloc = _newloc[0] if len(_newloc) == 1 else CompoundLocation(_newloc) newfeats.append( SeqFeature( location=newloc, type=feature.type,, qualifiers=feature.qualifiers, ) ) return type(self)( seq=newseq,,, description=self.description, dbxrefs=self.dbxrefs, features=newfeats, annotations=self.annotations, letter_annotations=newletan, )