Source code for moclo.kits.cidar

# coding: utf-8
"""An implementation of the CIDAR ToolKit for the Python MoClo library.

    1. `Iverson, S. V., Haddock, T. L., Beal, J., & Densmore, D. M. (2016).
       CIDAR MoClo: Improved MoClo Assembly Standard and New E. coli Part Library
       Enable Rapid Combinatorial Design for Synthetic and Traditional Biology.
       ACS Synthetic Biology, 5(1), 99–103.
    2. `Weber, E., Engler, C., Gruetzner, R., Werner, S., Marillonnet, S. (2011).
       A Modular Cloning System for Standardized Assembly of Multigene Constructs.
       PLOS ONE, 6(2), e16765.

import abc

from Bio.Restriction import BsaI, BbsI

from ..core import parts, modules, vectors

__author__ = "Martin Larralde <>"
__version__ = (
    .resource_string(__name__, "cidar.version")


[docs]class CIDAREntryVector(vectors.EntryVector): """A CIDAR MoClo entry vector. """ cutter = BbsI
[docs] @staticmethod def structure(): # noqa: D105 return ( "GGTCTC" # BsaI "N" "(NNNN)" # Downstream overhang "(NN" "GTCTTC" # BbsI "N*" # Placeholder sequence "GAAGAC" # BbsI "NN)" "(NNNN)" # Upstream overhang "N" "GAGACC" # BsaI )
[docs]class CIDARCassetteVector(vectors.CassetteVector): """A CIDAR Moclo cassette vector. References: *Iverson et al.*, Figure 1. """ cutter = BsaI
[docs] @staticmethod def structure(): # noqa: D105 return ( "GAAGAC" # BbsI "NN" "(NNNN)" # Downstream overhang "(N" "GAGACC" # BsaI "N*" # Placeholder sequence "GGTCTC" # BsaI "N)" "(NNNN)" # Upstream overhang "NN" "GTCTTC" # BbsI )
[docs]class CIDARDeviceVector(vectors.DeviceVector): """A CIDAR Moclo device vector. References: *Iverson et al.*, Figure 1. """ cutter = BbsI
[docs] @staticmethod def structure(): # noqa: D105 return ( "GGTCTC" # BsaI "N" "(NNNN)" # Downstream overhang "(NN" "GTCTTC" # BbsI "N*" # Placeholder sequence "GAAGAC" # BbsI "NN)" "(NNNN)" # Upstream overhang "N" "GAGACC" # BsaI )
[docs]class CIDARProduct(modules.Product): """A CIDAR MoClo product. """ cutter = BbsI
[docs]class CIDAREntry(modules.Entry): """A CIDAR MoClo entry. """ cutter = BsaI
[docs]class CIDARCassette(modules.Cassette): """A CIDAR MoClo cassette. """ cutter = BbsI
[docs]class CIDARDevice(modules.Device): """A CIDAR MoClo device. """ cutter = BsaI
### PARTS class CIDARPart(parts.AbstractPart): """A CIDAR MoClo standard part. A part is a plasmid with standardized flanking overhang sequences that allows immediate type recognition. """ cutter = BsaI signature = NotImplemented
[docs]class CIDARPromoter(CIDARPart, CIDAREntry): """A CIDAR Promoter part. .. image:: promoter.svg :align: center Parts of this type contain contain a promoter. The upstream overhangs can be changed to amend the order of assembly of a circuit from different cassettes. Note: The CIDAR toolkit parts provide 4 different upstream overhangs: *GGAG*, *GCTT*, *CGCT*, and *TGCC*. These are not enforced in this module, and any upstream sequence will be accepted. The downstream sequence however is always *TACT*. """ # FIXME: enforce official upstream overhangs or not ? signature = ("NNNN", "TACT")
[docs]class CIDARRibosomeBindingSite(CIDARPart, CIDAREntry): """A CIDAR ribosome binding site. .. image:: rbs.svg :align: center Parts of this type contain a ribosome binding site (RBS). The downstream overhang doubles as the start codon for the subsequent coding sequence. """ signature = ("TACT", "AATG")
[docs]class CIDARCodingSequence(CIDARPart, CIDAREntry): """A CIDAR coding sequence. .. image:: cds.svg :align: center Parts of this type contain a coding sequence, with the start codon located on the upstream overhang. Caution: Although the start codon is located on the upstream overhang, a STOP codon is expected to be found within this part target sequence before the downstream overhang. """ signature = ("AATG", "AGGT")
[docs]class CIDARTerminator(CIDARPart, CIDAREntry): """A CIDAR terminator. .. image:: terminator.svg :align: center Parts of this type contain a terminator. The upstream overhang is always the same for the terminator to directly follow the coding sequence, but the downstream overhang can vary to specify an order for a following multigenic assembly within a device. Note: The CIDAR toolkit parts provide 4 different downstream overhangs: *GCTT*, *CGCT*, *TGCC*, and *ACTA*. These are not enforced in this module, and any downstream sequence will be accepted. The upstream sequence however is always *AGGT*. """ signature = ("AGGT", "NNNN")